Journal Policies

Submission Policy: Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts through our online submission process available on the Indian Journal of Leprosy (IJL) website. Alternatively, in case of any difficulty, submission can be made through email to editors.

Article Publishing Charge: Indian Journal of Leprosy is open access and does not charge the author(s) for publishing. There are no submissions, publication, peer review fees or page charges for the Indian Journal of Leprosy.

Open Access Policy: Indian Journal of Leprosy is an open-access journal and supports the belief that science should be free for everyone. Articles published in IJL are available online on the journal website. They are free to download, copy, save, share, use, cite, and refer to for academic and research purposes by giving due credit to authors and journal.

Peer Review Policy: Indian Journal of Leprosy is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest review standards. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial screening by the editorial team; articles having no relevant association to the journal aim and scope, poorly drafted, or having little interest to the readership may be rejected, suggested to be modified; those manuscripts found suitable for further consideration will go through a peer-review process by independent, anonymous expert referees.

Handling & Publication Policy for Manuscripts from the Journal Editorial Board: Manuscripts from the journal editorial board are permitted for submission and publication, subject to the same reviewing process and publication ethics as applicable to the regular papers.

Use of 3rd Party Material: The authors are advised to obtain the necessary permission to reuse third-party material in their article. Suppose author(s) are using any material in their paper; whose copyright is held by someone else, in that case, author(s) should obtain written permission from the copyright owner before submitting his/her/their article to the journal.

Data Sharing Policy: Indian Journal of Leprosy asks the author to share or make open the data supporting the results or analyses presented in their manuscript, subject to ethics and protection of patient rights and valid privacy concerns. Here, data sharing means uploading data to any online depository and mentioning the link in his/her/their article, attaching the data set as an appendix, or making the data available at the reader's request.

Clinical Trials Registry: following the ICMR clinical trial norms, papers involving clinical trials should provide trial registration numbers and details in the manuscript.

Patient Consent: Patient’s consent must be obtained, and the author should be able to provide evidence that appropriate written consent and permission have been taken from all the individuals before the start of research.

Ethics Committee / Review Board Approval: all the research submitted to this journal must include a statement in the article related to the ethics committee approval of the research work if required, as human and animal subjects are involved in the study. The statement must include the name of the board and approval letter number; in case of approval is not taken, authors must present the reasons why formal ethics committee approval was not taken/ or required in their study.

Misconduct & Corrections: In case of any wrongdoing, error or problem identified by, or reported, to the editorial board, the Chief Editor will decide the best means for corrections. The Editor’s decision is final, and in case of severe misconduct by the authors, the Editors reserve the right to contact the admin/head of the concerned author’s institution.

Appeals: In case of authors disagree with the Editor's decisions; they may appeal the decision simply by replying to the decisions acknowledgement email, giving clear reasons and supported by review/documents; based on the merit of the given reasons Editor may send the article to a third referee, in any case, only one appeal will be considered, and Chief Editor’s decision will be final.

Language: Indian Journal of Leprosy publishes in English language only. However, references can be used from other languages, subject to the availability of abstract in the English language in the refereed article.

Disclaimer: Data/views/opinion expressed in the articles represents the respective authors and do not reflect the views/opinion those of the editors; similarly, details of products/ therapies/treatment do not imply promotion by the journal or the editorial board members.